Retreat in Montenegro

location - Budva

Magical Awakening through Rape´ ceremony and Body Art Therapy
What Awaits You
Discover the harmony of body, mind, and soul at our transformative retreat, where you will experience Rapé ceremonies, art therapy, and body therapy. During this retreat, you will find support, inspiration, and new tools for personal growth and healing
Who We're Expecting
  • People who are just embarking on the path of self-development and self-discovery.
  • Those who are already practicing various tools.
  • Individuals who wish to free themselves from fears, anxieties, despair, emotional pain, and emptiness.
  • Those who have experienced relocation, job loss, home loss, or the loss of loved ones.
  • Those who life itself has already propelled to another level, but who still require support.
  • Women and men who are facing challenges in their sexual lives.
  • If you're feeling lost and unsure about where to go next.
  • Women and men who want to feel their strength and fulfill their boldest dreams and fantasies.
Who We're Expecting
  • People who are just embarking on the path of self-development and self-discovery.
  • Those who are already practicing various tools.
  • Individuals who wish to free themselves from fears, anxieties, despair, emotional pain, and emptiness.
  • Those who have experienced relocation, job loss, home loss, or the loss of loved ones.
  • Those who life itself has already propelled to another level, but who still require support.
  • Women and men who are facing challenges in their sexual lives.
  • If you're feeling lost and unsure about where to go next.
  • Women and men who want to feel their strength and fulfill their boldest dreams and fantasies.
What You Will Receive
Этот уникальный опыт предоставит вам возможность погрузиться в глубокий путь саморазвития и самопознания
  • Freedom and ease in your body, liberation from blocks
  • A flow of energy of a different quality
  • Mental freedom – new actions, new thoughts
  • Focus of attention inward
  • Access to a new level of sensations and life
  • Unveiling of potential
  • The opportunity to see YOUR PATH and your authenticity
  • Manifestation of the Creator through creativity
  • Special feelings HERE AND NOW
  • Uninhibition
  • Choosing new scenarios for your life - a life of ease and abundance
You will learn to see the world through different eyes, where any problems will be solvable because you will know which steps to take
Retreat Program
  • Day - purifying
    • Yoga
    • Breakfast
    • Group Meditation - Deep Meditation
    • Intention Aromatherapy with Julia
    • You will receive gifts from us that will become your best companions during the retreat
    • Lunch Buffet (tea, water, juices, fruits)
    • Sacred Ceremony by Julia involving Rapé application
    • Afterwards, those interested can join art therapy with Victoria
    • Dinner at 5:00 PM
  • Day 2 - Liberation
    • Yoga
    • Breakfast
    • Group Meditation - Deep Meditation
    • Creating Mandalas based on personal requests
    • Art Therapy
    • Dinner
    • Reflection
    • Summary
  • Day 3 - Release
    • Yoga
    • Breakfast
    • Group Meditation - Deep Meditation

Cost: $1500


  • accommodation
  • meals
  • photo and video content for your use

7% discount for married couples

About guides
Yulia Tomashova
experienced medium
Greetings to you, dear friend!
My name is Yulia Tomashova, and for over 3 years now, I have been studying human consciousness through spiritual practices and interactions with Amazonian plants.
I am constantly transforming into a better version of myself every day and assisting individuals who are on the path of self-development.
I will guide you along a beautiful journey through the magical ceremony of 'Rapé' toward an abundant reality. Step by step, Rapé will lead you not only towards self-discovery, but also towards harmony with the world and a new perspective on external events.
What is Rapé
Rapé is a mixture of carefully processed medicinal herbs. It's a tool for self-discovery, the search for the 'True Self,' cleansing from negative energy, and the restoration of the Yin and Yang energetic flows.
Unlike chemicals, Rapé is not addictive, doesn't alter the psyche, and doesn't cause side effects. It gently and smoothly teaches your brain to react differently to external situations that used to seem stressful or even unsolvable.
This is its significant advantage and main benefit. That's why the use of Rapé is allowed worldwide.
What is Rapé
Rapé is a mixture of carefully processed medicinal herbs. It's a tool for self-discovery, the search for the 'True Self,' cleansing from negative energy, and the restoration of the Yin and Yang energetic flows.
Unlike chemicals, Rapé is not addictive, doesn't alter the psyche, and doesn't cause side effects. It gently and smoothly teaches your brain to react differently to external situations that used to seem stressful or even unsolvable.
This is its significant advantage and main benefit. That's why the use of Rapé is allowed worldwide.
The ceremony is conducted by experienced guide Yulia Tomashova

After ceremony, you will feel:

  • Ease and liberation from physical blocks
  • Different quality of an energy Flow
  • You will begin to take new actions and step into a new level of your life 'here and now'

You will gain:

  • Confidence in your actions
  • Unveiling your potential
Victoria Romanova
"Hello, dear friend!
My name is Victoria Romanova.

I bring ideas of freedom to the world – freedom of creativity, self-expression, and freedom for women.

One beautiful day, I closed my marketing agency and decided to dedicate myself to creativity. Do you know what body painting gave me? I got to know the real me! I had never experienced this before art practices, ever.

Victoria Romanova
"Hello, dear friend!
My name is Victoria Romanova.

I bring ideas of freedom to the world – freedom of creativity, self-expression, and freedom for women.

One beautiful day, I closed my marketing agency and decided to dedicate myself to creativity. Do you know what body painting gave me? I got to know the real me! I had never experienced this before art practices, ever.


Art Session - Deep Psychological Practice with Victoria

What You Gain from the Art Session:

  • Profound work with fears
  • A new level of sensations
  • Harmony
  • Halt the chaotic stream of thoughts that prevents you from soberly evaluating your life.
  • Hear your inner voice more clearly. Feel what is truly yours and what isn't. Knowing what you truly want is the greatest joy.
We often ignore ourselves. We bury dreams, goals, and desires alive because of fears, doubts, and insecurities. It's time to come back to your true self.

Immerse yourself in the unique experience of our retreat
We are inviting you on a journey that will help you harmonize your body, mind, and soul, unveiling new paths to well-being and abundance. Through transformational Rapé ceremonies and art therapy, you will discover the strength within you for growth, understanding, and personal harmony.

This retreat will provide you with the tools to enrich your life and create the abundant future that you deserve.

Immerse yourself in the unique experience of our retreat
We are inviting you on a journey that will help you harmonize your body, mind, and soul, unveiling new paths to well-being and abundance. Through transformational Rapé ceremonies and art therapy, you will discover the strength within you for growth, understanding, and personal harmony.

This retreat will provide you with the tools to enrich your life and create the abundant future that you deserve.